April 4, 2025
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Date & Time: Friday, April 04, 2025, 11:30am to 12:30pm; lunch provided.
Location: Weisenfluh Dining Hall, 200 Campus Drive, Slippery Rock, PA 16057 (next door to the Strain Safety Building)
Host: SRU Student Section of ASSP WPA
Title: The Importance of Proper Fitting of PPE
Presenter: Bob Wengryn, QSSP, Sr. Fall Protection Sales Manager / Miller Fall Protection, Honeywell Safety Products
Cost: Professionals $30.00/ Student $Free
Parking for visitors is free, but you must register your license plate, make and model of your vehicle, etc. You can do that through the link to the parking portal below or stop into campus police that day to do it, but most find the portal easy enough to navigate. Start by clicking “are you a visitor” and go from there.
Parking Office | Slippery Rock University or at https://www.sru.edu/offices/parking
Registration is required.
Registration closes March 28 at 6:00pm!
Registration is open below!
Venue: SRU - Weisenfluh Dining Hall
(next door to the Strain Safety Building)